January 15, 2022

Project Blanket – Square #15 – Diagonal Scallop Stitch

Pattern Instructions
Multiples of 4 + 2

Row 1 (WS): Purl

Row 2: K1, *insert needle from behind under the running thread between the st just worked and the next st, thus putting an extra strand on the needle; k2, then pass the extra strand over the 2 knit sts; k2; rep from *, end k1.

Row 3: Purl

Row 4: K3, *insert needle from behind under the running thread between the st just worked and the next st, thus putting an extra strand on the needle; k2, then pass the extra strand over the 2 knit sts; k2; rep from *, end k1.

Repeat rows 1 – 4 until desired length.

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