June 18, 2022

Project Blanket - Square #169 Seed Stitch mixed with 4 by 4 Stockinette Stitch

Pattern Instructions
Multiples of 4 sts

(Seed Stitch)
Row 1: K1, P1 to end 
Row 2: P1, K1 to end

(Stockinette Stitch)
Row 3: K4, P4 to end 
Row 4: P4, K4 to end 
Row 5: K4, P4 to end 
Row 6: P4, K4  to end 

Rows 7: Repeat Row 1
Rows 8: Repeat Row 2

(Stockinette Stitch)
Row 9:  P4, K4 to end 
Row 10: K4, P4 to end 
Row 11: P4, K4  to end 
Row 12: K4, P4 to end 

Rows 13: Repeat Row 1
Rows 14: Repeat Row 2

Repeat rows 3 to 14 until you reached the length of your project. 

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