November 6, 2022

Project Blanket - Square #310 Dots and Dashes

Pattern Instructions
Multiples of 16 + 9

With Col A, cast on 
Cast on with color A and knit Row 1

Row 1 (RS): Col A, knit across row.
Row 2: Col A, knit across row.
Row 3: Col B, (k1, sl 1) 4 times,* k9, (sl 1, k1) 3 times, sl 1, rep from *,end k1.
Row 4: Col B, (yb, k1, yf, sl 1) 4 times, * p9, (yf, sl 1, yb_k1) 3 times, sl 1, rep from *, end yb, k1.
Row 5 and 6: Col A, knit.
Row 7: Same as Row 3.
Row 8: Same as Row 4.
Row 9: Col A knit.
Row 10: Col A knit.
Row 11: Col B, k9, * (yb, sl 1, k1) 3 times, yb, sl 1, k9, rep from * to end.
Row 12: Col B, p9, *(yf, sl1, yb, k1) 3 times, yf, sl1, p9, rep from*to end.
Row 13: Col A, knit.
Row 14: Col A, knit.
Row 15: Same as Row 11.
Row 16: Same as Row 12.

Rep Rows 1-16 for pattern.


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