September 22, 2022

Project Blanket - Square # 265 Masonry

Pattern Instructions
Multiple of 4 + 3

Row 1: With MC, knit.
Row 2: With MC, knit
Row 3: (RS) With A, kl, *wyib sl 1, k3; rep from *, end wyib sl 1, kl.
Row 4: With A, p1, wyif sl 1, *p3, wyif sl 1; rep from *, end p1.
Row 5: With MC, knit 
Row 6: With MC, knit.
Row 7: With A, kl, *k2, wyib sl 1, kl; rep from *, end k2.
Row 8: With A, p2, *pl, wyif sl 1, p2; rep from \ end p1.

Repeat rows 1 to 8 for pattern. 

Knitting abbreviations:
Knit: K | Purl: P | Slip stitch as if to purl: SL With yarn in back: Wyib | With yarn in front: Wyif.

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