September 23, 2022

Project Blanket - Square # 266 Rainbow Feather and Fan

Pattern Instructions
Multiple of 18 stitches

Row 1: RS: Color A, knit.
Row 2: Color A, knit.
Row 3: Color B, knit.
Row 4: Color B, purl.
Row 5: Color B, *(k2tog) 3 times, (yo, k1) 6 times, (k2tog) 3 times; rep from * to end. .
Row 6: Color B, purl

You can change the color B to any color you like.

 Repeat Rows 1 - 6.

Knitting abbreviations:
Knit: K | Purl: P | Yo: Yarn over | K2tog: Knit 2 stitches together

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